MindBody App Reminders from your Group Exercise Team

We continue to offer virtual and on-campus classes to our members. Schedules for the two formats are fluid, and may change from week-to-week. 

Here are some common questions we answer about using the MindBody app to make class reservations:

Q: What do I do if I can’t see the Houstonian Schedule anymore on the app?
A: "Refreshing” the app is typically helpful. Refresh the app by:
- sliding your finger down on the schedule or closing the app out; 
- restarting your phone; or 
- deleting the app and reinstalling it. 

Q: How many days can I book out in advance?
A: You can book six days out in advance. On Monday, you can book through next Sunday. On Wednesday, you can book through next Tuesday. And so forth. 

Q: Can I book an Aquatics class and a Group Exercise class on the same day? 
A: Yes. You can book an Aquatics, Kids Pods, and Group Ex class on the same day.  

Q: Does class reservation for Saturday’s Yoga on the Meadow (YOTM) class count towards my one class per day limit?
A: No. Since YOTM is held outdoors, MindBody reservations do NOT count towards the one class per day limit and are mainly useful to guarantee registered members receive a class cancellation email if the class is cancelled due to weather. Drop-ins are welcomed to YOTM classes!

Q: What does it mean when a class says "Call”? 
A: Three things that can cause this are:
- The class is "Full” but the app hasn’t converted "Call” to "Full.” Try refreshing.
- It is 15 minutes before the class and MB registration is locked so Waitlisters and Walk-ins can attend class.  
- The class in question is more than 6 days from today. Remember reservations open 6 days in advance and until classes open for reservations, they will have "Call” on them.

Q: How do I cancel my class on the app? 
A: You can cancel your reservation two ways.
- Go to you profile on the bottom right corner. Once you see the class you would like to remove click "Cancel.”
- Go to the main Houstonian schedule and click on the class you are registered for. You will have the option on the bottom to cancel the class. 
Reservations for on-campus classes are available on the MindBody app and Members are limited to one class reservation per day.
Note: our team does remove additional classes the night before and the day of. Of course, as long as there is an open spot, Members are welcome to drop-in to as many classes as they would like to each day.

We hope this information has been helpful and look forward to seeing you in class!

For more information, contact Steven Elizondo group exercise manager at selizondo@houstonian.com.